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题  目:光学干涉检测方法及其挑战
报告人:沈华 教授
时  间:2024-04-19 14:00
地  点:研发大厦西侧报告厅
题  目:量子点超晶格中激子传输的复合电动力学机制
报告人:香港科技大学 苑荣峰 助理教授
时  间:2024-04-12 10:00
地  点:学术交流中心报告厅
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34期发光学论坛--Semiconductor nano lasers and solar thermal
  2017-08-14 张昭宇
打印 关闭


  报告人 :张昭宇 


  报告时间:2017.8.14 上午9:30 



  Our research focus on fabrication and characterization of two dimensional III-V photonic crystal (PhC) lasers with high quality factor and ultra-small mode volume in visible emission region. Optical pumped line defect triangular PhC lasers with single dipole modes and novel point defect fivefold PhC lasers with whispering gallery modes are realized in room temperature. Order of pico-second carrier lifetime measured by streak camera and low pumping threshold provide it huge potential in next generation of optical interconnect source with high modulation rate and ultra-low energy consumption. Based on the above platform, the combination with flexible material (PDMS) and our III-V nanocavities breaks the limitation of application which could be applied to ultra-small biosensors and flexible laser projection displays. Moreover, we will also be introducing a new type of solar cells configuration - solar thermal photovoltaics. The low efficiency of current photovoltaics is due to the Shockley–Queisser limit, another words, the broad band nature of solar spectrum limits the efficiency. Here we adopted a new concept of spectrum engineering to squeeze the broad solar spectrum to a narrow one for better absorption by typical single junction photovoltaic cells.  


  张昭宇教授2007年获加州理工学院电子工程博士学位,20082011年在加州大学伯克利分校从事博士后研究。20112015年他受聘北京大学副教授,后于2015年转任香港中文大学(深圳)副教授。张教授的科研方向为光电子器件或系统的设计、制造和测量,目前专攻微纳半导体激光器设计和制成、光热光伏器件以及有机发光三极管器件,应用集中在光通讯,显示和能源采集。他在国际学术刊物及国际会议上发表论文近80篇,其中顶级学术刊物如Nano Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Physical Review Letters等。目前,他是2012年广东省引进创新科研团队核心成员并担任深圳市半导体激光器重点实验室主任。 


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